​Snohomish MCJROTC
The Snohomish Marine Corps JROTC has been a part of the Snohomish School District since 1967. The program is open to students that attend Snohomish, Glacier Peak, and Monroe High Schools.
We are hosting our annual Future Leader Camp on 9 March 2024 at Snohomish High School. Link below for registration form.
Our Mission
The primary purpose of the MCJROTC Program is Leadership Education. It prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. In order to be a good leader, one must first learn to be a good follower. As a cadet gains experience and knowledge, he or she will be given active, hands-on leadership responsibilities within the JROTC Program.
There is no obligation to military service by participating in JROTC. It is a high school class focused on leadership and character development. The instructors are both retired Marines, now certificated teachers in Snohomish School District.
- Increase time management skills
- Improve self esteem and confidence
- Develop leadership skills
- Become more adventurous
- Be apart of something bigger than yourself
- Earn Physical Education, Occupational, or elective credits (all graduation requirements)
- Over $6,000 in local scholarship for JROTC
- More competitive for college ROTC scholarships
- Service Academy (West Point, Naval or Air Force Academy) nominations