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Curriculum Overview

Program Goals are to:


Develop leadership and build character.

Create informed, patriotic, and responsible citizens.

Develop responsible young adults who are physically, mentally, and morally fit.

Develop informed and civic-minded young adults prepared for higher education, civilian careers, and public service.

Instill discipline, respect, and responsibility through military-related subjects and activities.


Course Length: One to Four years.


Course Objective: Leadership Education, more commonly referred to as Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (MCJROTC), is a four-year academic program. Enrollment does not obligate a student to join the Marine Corps or any other branch of the service. Cadets, however, must accept Marine Corps standards of discipline, appearance and training. It is a nationally recognized program that has received accreditation by The Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation (CITA). It is designed to instill in high school students a value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility and a sense of ethics and honor.   The Snohomish MCJROTC Program has produced graduates who have attended the service academies, received college ROTC scholarships, or are serving in the various branches of the Armed Forces. The majority of former MCJROTC students have advanced to college or are working in the civilian community- applying the leadership skills learned and developed while in this program.

The primary purpose of the MCJROTC Program is Leadership Education. It prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. In order to be a good leader, one must first learn to be a good follower. As a cadet gains experience and knowledge, he or she will be given active, hands-on leadership responsibilities within the JROTC Program.

The Marine Corps JROTC Leadership Education Program emphasizes the development of self-discipline, leadership, honor, integrity, and the value of community service. Citizenship training is emphasized throughout the program and reinforced by using current events and activities occurring in the Snohomish County area, the state of Washington, our nation and the entire world. In addition, students are acquainted with basic military subjects and Marine Corps traditions, customs and courtesies.

The success each student achieves while in the Marine Corps JROTC Program depends to a large extent on their willingness to get involved and participate in the program. Satisfactory performance within the program will result in the cadet receiving passing grades during the academic reporting period. However, since the MCJROTC Program is structured to function much like a military organization, there will also be opportunities for cadets to develop leadership skills and to progress in rank. Promotions, especially those to the senior enlisted and officer rank, are based on a cadet’s overall performance and their demonstrated capability to assume greater responsibility. A great deal is expected from the cadets promoted to leadership positions. Cadets who accept top-level promotions also accept the additional duties and responsibilities that go along with the promotion. Conversely, top-level promotions may be rescinded if a cadet, once promoted and assigned to a leadership position, demonstrates that he/she is incapable or unwilling to put forth the time and effort to successfully meet the obligations of the grade and billet assigned.

The Snohomish Marine Corps JROTC Program continues to seek top students who excel both academically and athletically to ensure that the high caliber of leadership is maintained within the program. We strongly feel that the Marine Corps JROTC Program is a complement to the leadership development of honor students and athletes as well as service clubs within Snohomish School District.

Satisfactory performance within the program will result in the cadet receiving passing grades during the academic reporting period. However, since the MCJROTC Program is structured to function much like a military organization, there will also be opportunities for cadets to develop leadership skills and to progress in rank. Promotions, especially those to the senior enlisted and officer rank, are based on a cadet’s overall performance and their demonstrated capability to assume greater responsibility. A great deal is expected from the cadets promoted to leadership positions. Cadets who accept top-level promotions also accept the additional duties and responsibilities that go along with the promotion. Conversely, top-level promotions may be rescinded if a cadet, once promoted and assigned to a leadership position, demonstrates that he/she is incapable or unwilling to put forth the time and effort to successfully meet the obligations of the grade and billet assigned.

Satisfactory completion of the program can lead to preferential consideration for a service academy appointment, advanced placement credit in the Senior ROTC program or advanced rank in the Armed Forces. The Marine Corps JROTC program is one of the Marine Corps’ contributions to assisting America’s youth to become better citizens and future leaders of America. The program produces successful students and productive adults, while fostering in each school a more constructive and disciplined learning environment. This program makes substantial contributions to many communities and ultimately to the nation’s future. It is the centerpiece of the Department of Defense’s commitment to America’s Promise for Youth through its emphasis on community service and teen anti-drug efforts.


Course Prerequisites:


LE I - completion of the eighth grade.

LE II-IV must successfully complete the previous LE program.


Course Requirements: All students will be required to adhere to Marine Corps grooming standards while enrolled in MCJROTC. The Cadet MCJROTC uniform will be worn one day each week. It must be clean and freshly pressed. No more than two excused absences will be allowed for a designated uniform day each semester.


Daily Routine:
Monday:  Academic instruction in the classroom.
Tuesday:  Physical Training out of the classroom.
Wednesday:  Academic instruction in the classroom.
Thursday:  Physical Training out of the classroom.
Friday:   Uniform Inspection & closed order drill.


Academic Instruction:
LE-I:   The Marine Instructor is the primary instructor for first year cadets. The academic emphasis is learning General Military Subjects (GMS), basic close-order drill, proper wearing of the MCJROTC uniform and the importance of physical well-being through repetitive activities. Time management, study and memorization skills will be reinforced each day.
LE-II through IV:   The second through fourth year cadets will be expected to retain LE-I knowledge in order to progressively improve leadership skills and be given increased levels of responsibility within the classroom environment. Major research projects will be assigned each semester that will require the cadet to demonstrate proficiency at internet and library research, use of MS Word and Power Point programs, and written and oral communication skills.

Physical training will be conducted two days each week. In order for a student to participate in physical training and/or marksmanship training, parents must complete three forms:


Emergency Data Sheet

Parental Consent For Marksmanship Training Form

Parental Permission/Disclosure Form

SHS Sports Physical Form


The Marine Corps Youth Physical Fitness Program (YPF):

All cadets that qualify to perform physical training will be required to participate in the YPF program. Many of the youth in this country are not physically able to meet the physical challenges of everyday life. Poor eating habits, lack of physical exercise and low self-esteem contribute to this desperate condition. Through the National Youth Physical Fitness Program and the National High School Physical Fitness Championships, the Foundation has been able to help thousands of kids turn their lives around. Many of the young men and women who participate in these programs are exposed to positive role models for the first time in their lives. Many have never had too meet a challenge, attain a goal, or have the opportunity to dream a dream. The United States Marines Corps Youth Foundation, Inc. is keeping those dreams alive one school and one child at a time.

The National Youth Physical Fitness Program encompasses students from kindergarten and elementary school, through junior and senior high school and college. The program is designed to complement, not replace, existing curriculum and to be easily implemented in any school situation. Students are tested in five basic exercises and are awarded scores indicative of their general fitness level.

This program provides a means for adult leaders to actually measure the fitness level of participating students throughout the school year. More importantly though, this program, provides hope and offers our youth an opportunity to become part of something bigger than themselves, an opportunity to be challenged, and an opportunity to grow as individuals. It teaches students to respect their bodies and helps them build and maintain a personal resistance to drugs, alcohol and tobacco.


The program provides a mental, moral and physical challenge and establishes reachable goals. The fitness program also provides important recognition, which leads to pride in one's self and is in many cases a building block for future self-improvement. This program, which is recognized and endorsed by the President's Council on Physical Fitness and personally endorsed by Arnold Schwarzenegger, is offered to every school and youth organization.




1 HR=57 min class

Core is taught all 4 years.


Uniforms: Male and Female cadets will be issued uniforms identified in the uniform cost list. Costs of replacement and cleaning are also noted. Uniforms are to be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition. Upon termination in the program or at the end of the school year, all uniforms will be returned in a clean and serviceable condition. Restitution will be made to Snohomish HS MCJROTC in the event that a uniform article is lost, or presented unserviceable. Uniforms that are returned unclean will also require restitution for the cleaning bill.


Scholarship Opportunities: There are many benefits to the program. The most obvious is the leadership training. The self-confidence and discipline obtained will give the cadet a decided advantage, not only in high school, but in college, the job market, or if desired, when joining the military service. Some specific advantages are:


ROTC COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS- Chances for obtaining a college ROTC scholarship, worth approximately $150,000 are improved if a student has had MCJROTC. In addition, colleges may also give ROTC credit for MCJROTC, reducing the overall requirement for graduation.


NAVAL ACADEMY NOMINATIONS- Each Senior Marine Instructor of the MCJROTC unit is allowed to nominate outstanding cadets for appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. This privilege allows a cadet to circumvent competition with civilian applicants for the limited number of congressional appointments.


HIGHER RANK FOR ENLISTMENT- If a cadet decides to enlist directly into the armed forces following high school graduation, he or she enters at a higher rank by virtue of having completed at least three years of MCJROTC.


SMI Closing Comments- The MCJROTC instructors will treat all MCJROTC cadets with the utmost respect and dignity. In turn, cadets must make every effort to conduct themselves in a manner so as not to bring discredit upon themselves, their families and school, or to the MCJROTC Program. If you have any questions regarding the program, please feel free to contact us throught this website.



Summary: The MCJROTC curriculum is an excellent tool to reinforce the character development that begins at home and the leadership skills required in the world. Additionally, cadets are able to develop a basic understanding for the importance of community service. Strong emphasis is placed on respecting others and learning excellent leadership skills. Conceptual mastery of the traits and principles of leadership will be evaluated academically in the classroom. The character development and practical leadership skill development are enhanced by participation in those extracurricular opportunities outlined above. We encourage all parents to support their cadet in every way possible to ensure that they get the full benefit of the MCJROTC experience.



Organization: Each Leadership Education class, or period, is organized as a platoon. This ensures that upper-level cadet leadership actively mentors the junior cadets. There are special staffs positions identified to be filled by upper-level cadets due to the higher-level coordination that must take place in order to make things happen within the Corps of Cadets.

We have a designated Commanding Officer who has a staff of officers and enlisted who each handle a specific functional area.


The Commanding Officer is the leader is responsible for everything the unit does or fails to do.

The senior enlisted cadet, the rank of First Sergeant, is responsible for the morale and welfare of all enlisted cadets and is the advisor to the commanding officer on all issues. The First Sergeant also ensures that personnel records are kept up-to-date and also files and produces correspondence internally and to outside agencies.

The Executive Officer, second in command, is responsible for producing a monthly training schedule and oversees all operations that the unit is tasked to support.


The Logistics Chief, a special staff position, is responsible for the logistical support for all the operations and also oversees the maintenance of the cadet supply warehouse.

The Public Affairs Chief, another special staff position, is responsible for reporting on all cadet activities and providing draft articles and pictures for publication in the MCJROTC Newsletter. This newsletter will be published every six months.

Chain of Command: Each period has a designated platoon leader, and platoon sergeant, that provide direct leadership to their respective class during the period of instruction. They are directly responsible to the Commanding Officer and the First Sergeant respectively for all that the platoon does or fails to do. It is important that first year cadets understand that the chain of command is there to provide requisite leadership and facilitate the flow of information and instruction. Clearly stated, the class leaders are not on an ego trip. They are merely carrying out the orders given them to the best of their abilities given their level of experience.


Promotions and Rank Structure: Promotions are scheduled at the end of each semester. All first year cadets will start out as cadet privates in the Corps of Cadets. If a cadet performs exceptionally, he or she may receive a meritorious promotion to the next rank and could achieve a higher rank by the end of the first year. Promotions are not automatic and may be temporary if the cadet does not perform to the expected level or does something to bring discredit to himself/herself, the Corps of Cadets, or the school.


Cadets may be promoted at any time during the year in accordance with the MCJROTC unit’s need and cadet’s performance. Cadets may loose their rank if either instructor considers it necessary.


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